Full Speed Impact Academy
Self-paced Mentoring to Equip you to Walk in the Fullness of Jesus Christ and impact the World!
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God has a vision for your life that is far greater than merely attending a good church and raising a family. He wants you to experience intimacy with Him that is so powerful that your life is transformed to look like Jesus. He wants to empower you in the Holy Spirit so that Jesus can do His same mighty works (and even greater) through you. God also has a ministry for you, and no, it's not just being an usher or a nursery-worker at the church or limited to just one spiritual gift. He wants to equip you walk in the fullness of Jesus Christ and to make disciples who do the same so that you become His vessel of launching new movements of His Kingdom that impact nations.
But how? God's plan involves personal discipleship, mentoring, and training. We all benefit from the personal input of godly leadership. That's why I've developed the Full Speed Academy, so that I can share with you the things that God has shared with me in a way that is:
- self-paced- Take 6 months or 6 years. It's up to you!
- systematic- Stop jumping around. Lay the foundation, build the walls, the roof, and then fill the house!
- comprehensive- Grow in power, intimacy, healing, deliverance, prophesy, personal transformation, vision, leadership, & more... all rooted in Christ!
- personal discipleship oriented - Relationships are God's method to impart His heart and to help us grow
- practical- More than just "what to do", but I'll show you how and explain why
- Biblical- Root your lifestyle in God's Word.
- Christ-focused and Holy Spirit Led- It's ALL about relationship! And it's ALL Jesus... in you!
- life-changing- Move beyond merely understanding the Bible to experiencing actual Kingdom living
- interactive- You will have a resource to ask your questions, clear up your confusion, and be part of growing Kingdom community
Before you have finished the Full Speed Impact Academy you will be equipped to experience the power of "Christ in you, the hope of glory" and to impact the world by launching new moves of God wherever you go. As Jesus said, "Follow me, and I will make you a fisher of men!" and "when a disciple is fully trained, they will be just like their teacher." In this academy, through a combination of teaching videos, ministry demonstration videos, and live personal mentoring sessions, you will be shown how to experience the Kingdom Life that Jesus died to give you! Students who complete just one lesson per week will complete the entire academy in just over one year, so this is very manageable. If you enroll in the entire Academy, you will save $50 off the cost of tuition and have unlimited lifetime access to the academy.
Watch the Full Speed Impact Academy Overview Video
This training program is divided into 5 separate modules, each focusing on different areas of Kingdom living. Each module consists of 12 lessons. Each lesson has a teaching video, a ministry demonstration and discussion video, as well as lesson outlines and activation exercises.
Module 1– Foundations for Fullness in Christ- These 12 lessons will change your life forever and allow you to experience greater depths of intimacy with God and personal transformation than you ever realized was possible. Many people have gone into this course believing that they already understood their "identity in Christ" only to realize that they had merely been scratching the surface. This course equips you to
- Encounter God through a spiritual Revelation of Jesus Christ
- Experience the power of your union with Jesus Christ
- Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ in spiritual fellowship with God
- Experience the Baptism in the Holy Spirit AND minister this amazing experience to others
- Tap into the Power of the Holy Spirit at will
- How to grow in your ability to release the power of God
- Discerning between flesh and Spirit for Personal Transformation
- Experiencing Emotional Freedom and Minister to others who are experiencing emotional bondage
- How to experience continuous fellowship with God as a Lifestyle
Module 2– Foundations for Kingdom Impact - 12 Powerful lessons that will equip you heal the sick with results and to begin to minister in the power of the Kingdom in word and deed. This will equip you to
- Heal the Sick like Jesus
- Overcome obstetrical related to healing
- Answer common objections and misunderstandings regarding healing the sick
- Develop a Kingdom Lifestyle
- Start Conversations with Strangers Easily
- Unleash Kingdom Power in Your Testimonies
- Release the Kingdom in simple acts of Kindness
- Making the Most of Every Opportunity
- Leading People into the Kingdom
Module 3– Walk Victory and Hear God's Voice- 12 Life Transforming lessons that give you in depth, practical training in deliverance, spiritual warfare, hearing God, and ministering in prophetic revelation, words of knowledge, and dreams and visions. You will be equipped to
- Minister Deliverance
- Recognize Demonic activity
- Deal effectively with Demonic Resistance
- Win Spiritual Battles
- Understand and Activate Spiritual Gifts
- Cultivating a Lifestyle of Hearing God
- Avoid Common Pitfalls for Prophetic Ministry
- Test Prophetic Words
- Unleash Prophetic Evangelism
- Exercise Supernatural Discernment
- Walk in God's perspective towards Trials and Persecution
- Interpret Dreams, Visions and Symbols in prophetic revelation
Module 4– Launching New Moves of God- These 12 Lessons build upon the foundation laid in previous modules and put it all together to help you launch a true move of God in your region. There is a difference between knowing how to use a hammer, a screw driver, and a saw and knowing how to build a house! This module trains you to be a wise master builder. This training will empower you to make disciples that multiply! You'll have training in
- The Power & Simplicity of Disciple Making
- How to Jump Start the Disciple Making process
- The Process of Disciple Making
- Removing Barriers to a Move of God
- The Disciple Making Movement Cycle
- Disciple Making & the Church: Commitments, Practices, & Care
- Model, Assist, Watch, & Release
- Seeing the Church as God sees it
- The Eternal Purpose of God & the Functioning of the Body of Christ
- Walking in Unity in an Age of Division
- Who's in Charge? Worldly Authority vs. Worldly Authority
Module 5– Kingdom Multiplication, Finances, and Leadership- Kingdom Finances, Finances and Ministry, Spiritual Discernment, Laboring for God's Vision, Multiplication, Shepherding God's Move, Raising up Leaders vs. Creating Followers, Personal Sacrifice, Discipline, Perseverance, and the Glory that is to Come. (Completed April 2019)
Enrolling in the Full Speed Impact Academy saves $50 off tuition costs of purchasing each module individually and gives you unlimited access to the Full Speed Impact Academy.
Your Instructor
My ministry is to equip you for yours. God has given me a passion for hands-on disciple making that has been developed through over twenty years of Christian service as a missionary, a pastor, a church planter, and Regional Director for John G. Lake Ministries. I am the founder of Full Speed Impact Ministries, and hold a Masters of Divinity from Columbia International University Graduate School of Missions. I write, speak, and travel extensively to fulfill my calling to mobilize believers to walk in the fullness of Jesus Christ worldwide. I created the Full Speed Impact Academy so that I can personally mentor believers around the world to become all that God wants them to be in Christ.
Course Curriculum
StartLesson 1- Knowing God (75:18)
StartLesson 2- The "Revalationship of the Son" (64:03)
StartLecture 3- The Fullness of God in Christ (135:41)
StartLecture 4- Biological Warfare (72:37)
StartLecture 5- Your Identity in Christ (162:06)
StartLecture 6- Foundational Experiences/The Start Up Package (165:02)
StartLesson 7- Emotional Freedom by Walking in the Spirit (137:52)
StartLesson 8- When Lies Feel True (125:48)
StartLesson 9- Stewarding Your Heart to Walk in the Spirit (169:48)
StartLesson 10- Cultivating a Lifestyle of Communion with God (164:23)
StartLesson 11- Eternal Judgement and Loves Unending Reward (207:54)
StartLesson 12- Spiritual Growth for Children of God (142:22)
StartIntroduction and Personal Testimony (38:26)
StartLesson 1- Clearing the Foundation for Kingdom Ministry (194:35)
StartLesson 2- Jesus Christ, the Truth, Way and Life for Kingdom Ministry (166:24)
StartLesson 3- How Jesus Heals (135:36)
StartLesson 4- Human Expression of Divine Power (159:06)
StartLesson 5-Keys to Healing in the Kingdom (210:23)
StartLesson 6- Manifesting the Invisible (170:06)
StartLesson 7- Aligning with God's Heart for the Harvest (166:01)
StartLesson 8- Objections and Questions Regarding Healing (193:47)
StartLecture 9- Making the Most of Every Opportunity (124:31)
StartLecture 10- Unleash the Power of Your Testimonies (198:06)
StartLesson 11- Proclaiming the Kingdom Effectively (88:57)
StartLesson 12- Led by the Spirit to Advance the Kingdom (156:10)
StartOverview and Introduction (10:43)
StartLesson 1- Attacking the Enemy (120:54)
StartLesson 2- Casting Out Demons PART 1 (113:33)
StartLesson 3- Casting out Demons PART 2 (137:49)
StartLesson 4- Defeating the Schemes of the Enemy (225:22)
StartLesson 5- Trials of Faith (170:24)
StartLesson 6- How does God Speak (177:13)
StartLesson 7- Understanding Why God Speaks (155:57)
StartLesson 8- Essentials of New Covenant Prophesy (168:47)
StartLesson 9- Developing Divine Dialogue (130:16)
StartLesson 10- Prophetic Evangelism (162:49)
StartLesson 11- Prophetic Ministry in the Body of Christ (306:36)
StartLesson 12- Understanding Dreams and Symbolic Visions from God (134:51)